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Your story imageWhat is your story?

  • Are a child or young person in care?
  • Were you placed into care when you were younger?
  • Are you a carer, a family member, or residential care worker?

Your story can help highlight why Australia's child protection and out-of-home care systems need reform.

Sharing your story provides a deeper understanding of what it's like to navigate this system, and also inspires others to share their story.

Safe sharing

This page is here to create a safe environment for sharing. It is not a live moderated forum, and stories will be uploaded after being reviewed.  We acknowledge the courage it takes to share your stories with others and thank you for your willingness to do so. Whether you are submitting a story for this page, or reading those of others, it is important to look after yourself in the process.

If you would like to submit a story, you can do so here

If you feel distressed or would like some support after submitting or reading a story, we encourage you to reach out to Lifeline on 13 11 14. This service is available 24 hours a day.

Lived experience projects

Here is a collection of recent projects which share the voices and experiences of children, young people and their families with the child protection and out-of-home care systems across Australia. Please reach out to us at if you know of other studies or reports which would be helpful to share.