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This section has a range of materials about our work and relationship-based practice.

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ChangeMaker Chat: Relational Care

September 2024

Our Chair Jarrod Wheatley joins the ChangeMakers Podcast to share his vision for a Child Connection System that puts humanity and relationships before bureaucracy.

Listen to the episode >>

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Webinar on a new paradigm for the child protection system

September 2024

This webinar, co-hosted by the Centre for Relational Care and the James Martin Institute for Public Policy, provides an overview of the Supporting Children and Families to Flourish report plus Q&As.

Watch the webinar >>

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Report: Supporting Children and Families to Flourish

August 2024

This report by the James Martin Institute for Public Policy, in collaboration with the Centre for Relational Care, reimagines the child protection and out-of-home care systems in NSW.


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What do we mean by a relationship-based care system?
May 2024

We're working to develop a shared understanding of what makes a care system truly relational. There are many definitions, and no single group has a monopoly on what is or isn't relational. 


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Submission on Redesign of Family Preservation

May 2024

Our submission on the Redesign of Family Preservation encourages the NSW Department of Communities and Justice to adopt an approach that puts relationships at the centre.


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Helping vulnerable kids chase their dreams
April 2024

Our Co-Founder Bernie Shakeshaft speaks with ABC Radio National about the BackTrack program in Armidale NSW, which is turning around the lives of at-risk young people with holistic and relational care.

Listen to the episode >>

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Design Dialogue 2: Summary of outcomes
February 2024

At our second Design Dialogue, we started to generate solutions to three areas where the out-of-home care system needs to change.


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Design Dialogue 1: Summary of outcomes
January 2024

We are in the process of designing an alternative to the existing child protection and out-of-home care system. See outcomes from our first Design Dialogue.


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Article in The Policymaker

December 2023

Children in crisis need real relationships: the case for a Child Connection System by Jarrod Wheatley, Centre for Relational Care founding supporter.


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Discussion with Josh MacAlister
December 2023

Josh MacAlister chaired the UK Independent Review of Children's Social Care in 2022. In this 30 minute video he shares his insights.

Watch the video >>

Relationships First newsletter

News and insights on our journey to transform child protection and out-of-home care to a Child Protection System.